Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cocaine (illegal)

legal cocaine drugAKA:
Charlie, chang, coke, gack, toot, Vialli, showbiz sherbert, snow, white, candy, Percy and sniff.

Cocaine is a white, flaky powder obtained from the leaves of the coca plant. It is odourless, soluble, and has powerful stimulant properties similar to those of amphetamines.

The most common method of taking cocaine involves sniffing or snorting a small amount (usually called a 'line') up the nose through a small tube (often a rolled-up banknote or straw). The drug is then absorbed into the blood via the nasal membrane. Cocaine can also be heated and the fumes inhaled. In soluble form, cocaine can be injected.

The effects:
* Cocaine produces feelings of wellbeing, mental exhilaration, and euphoria;
* The sensations often last between 15-30 minutes followed immediately by a 'coming down' period;
* Anxiety, paranoia, depression, and often the inability to sleep can occur during the come down period, thus encouraging users to repeat the dose in order to maintain the effect;
* Other effects can include tremors, muscle twitching, rapid pulse, nausea, anxiety, confidence, high blood pressure, cold sweats, and mood changes.

Other forms of cocaine:
Freebase cocaine is cocaine without its water-soluble component or 'base'. A chemical treatment is used to draw out the 'pure' cocaine from many of the impurities, increasing the impact of the effects when smoked. Crack is a form of freebase cocaine made by heating cocaine hydrochloride with baking soda or ammonia in water. Speedball is the term given for an injectable and dangerous mixture of soluble cocaine and heroin.

The law:
Cocaine in all forms is a Class A drug. It is illegal to produce, supply, or possess. It is also illegal to allow premises to be used for supplying or producing cocaine.

The risks:
* Chronic sneezing, frequent nosebleeds, and nasal congestion can be a consequence of snorting cocaine;
* Repeated snorting can cause serious damage to the membranes lining the nose and the structure separating the nostrils;
* The mucous membranes may become so irritated and inflamed that sores develop inside the nostrils;
* After a heavy session, users can feel like they've got a bad cold;
* For women who are pregnant, cocaine can cause bleeding, miscarriage and an increased risk of stillbirth;
* Users can develop a strong psychological dependence to cocaine, often taking more to deal with the comedown;
* Overdose is possible, and even fatal in some cases.

If you're planning to take cocaine:
* Keep track of the amount used as tolerance quickly builds up. The more you take to get the same effect, so the risk increases of a hit your body may be unable to handle.
* If injecting, use new needles to reduce the risk of HIV or hepatitis infection.

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